Speakers Bureau Presentations

Each year over 10,000 seniors attend Speakers Bureau education sessions to learn about

  • the Project’s history

  • techniques to prevent being a victim of scams

  • how to report a complaint to the Seniors vs Crime Project

  • the opportunity to volunteer with the Seniors vs Crime Project

  • the Attorney General’s support of the Project

Senior community groups, homeowner associations, church groups, clubs, and senior citizen centers request the majority of speaking engagements.

The Speakers Bureau also presents to large gatherings at Senior Citizen Expositions and other senior-related or oriented events. Each presentation allows for adequate time for questions and answers and usually results in very animated sessions.

Handout materials are normally supplied at these presentations. Informational packets may include the Attorney General’s booklet “Smart Consumers", available Seniors vs Crime brochures and financial fraud information.

We would be excited to provide your group with a speaker !!

The Speakers Bureau educates seniors on how to avoid becoming a victim by talking about the types of scam methods, focusing on the most current scams, and how seniors might be vulnerable.

There is no charge or fee for this service. Our speakers provide a relaxed non-formal talk, sharing recent case experiences. For our Sleuths, sharing is exciting. We have volunteers who are very experienced in speaking to groups of all sizes, from small groups to groups with over 100 attendees. Travel and other expenses for Sleuths who volunteer for speaking engagements are reimbursed by the Seniors Vs Crime Project.

Our Senior Sleuths, who have several months of experience working on cases in a Seniors Vs Crime Project Office, are knowledgeable and can provide invaluable information to senior groups and/or caregivers about how a senior can avoid being a victim of a scammer, a cheat, a financial thief, fraud, or assault/abuse. We have a few Volunteers who have experience working with seniors through other volunteer organizations and add information to their presentation based on previous experiences.

Most of the Speaker Bureau requests are for informal talks followed by a question and answer period. If the setting is in an environment where a more formal presentation with a projector and PowerPoint slides would be more appropriate, please let us know and that can be arranged as well.

Please note that when making your request, we ask for the number of anticipated attendees and a description of the event settings so that we can make sure we have the best speaker for your event and that the speaker has a presentation that fits the occasion.

If you have a specific topic of interest that you would prefer that the presentation focus on, such as internet scams, telephone scams, door-to-door scams, dating scams, investment scams, IRS scams, etc., please indicated your interest in your request.

Video Appearances

We also have Sleuths who are comfortable speaking on radio, television, or preparing educational videos. Throughout the state we are often included in seniors education programs and asked to conduct seminars on senior crime prevention as part of multi-day programs. Please let us know if you know of, or can arrange, one of these speaking opportunities.

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

The Project began providing investor protection education to seniors throughout the state in 2006. Over 100,000 people have attended investment fraud awareness and avoidance presentations since the inception of the FINRA program.

After this presentation, the speaker mingled thru the attendees and answered questions. Photo: Annual Report

Short video of a typical presentation to a senior group. This presentation was focused on IRS and other scams. Video: MIke Flahaven via utube

Often clubs request a speaker because even non-seniors have seniors amongst their friends and families. This video is a presentation by Vicki Schnoor, from the Putnam County Project Office hosted by Putnam County Sheriff Video: staff via Utube

PBS host Rameca Vincent Leary, Ph.D., with guest Josh Newby (Council on Aging of West Florida) , and Seniors vs Crime Project attendees: Judy Ertl, Director; Vann Milheim, Escambia County Project Office Manager; and Klaus Ertl, volunteer. Only first half of video. Video: PBS WSRE via utube.

Seniors who attend these seminars learn to identify potentially fraudulent investment opportunities and, learn to check with the regulatory offices before investing their hard-earned money. The FINRA curriculum includes handouts such as the "Fight Fraud 101" brochure and a popular "Tricks of the Trade" DVD. Speakers Bureau trains the Senior Sleuths to prepare them for these presentations.

Seniors are generally very interested in their own safety and are willing to do what they can to ensure the safety of others. Being a Senior Sleuth volunteer is very appealing to many seniors. Presentations often result in attendees wishing to volunteer for the Project.

Why not join us - click on the Volunteer Application button below !!